

  1. plain old tuple (i.e., unnamed tuple)
    1. tuple data type in the Python Standard Library
    2. Tuples in the Python Language Reference
    3. Tuples and Sequences in the Python Tutorial
  2. named tuple
    1. named tuple in the Python Glossary
    2. the factory function collections.namedtuple in the Python Standard Library


We saw in List of numbers that a list is a mutable sequence.

a = [10, 20, 30]
a[1] = 25   #Overwrite the 20.

for i in a:

We saw in Indexing that a string is an immutable sequence.

s = "abc"
s[1] = "B"   #Try to overwrite the lowercase "b".
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/myname/python/index.py", line 2, in <module>
    s[1] = "B"
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
The workaround is
s = "abc"
s = s[:1] + "B" + s[2:]   #Paste together a new s.

A tuple is like an immutable list.

The word tuple is a generalization of the words double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple, nonuple, etc. Create the tuple with (parentheses) and commas.

t = (10, 20, 30)
t[1] = 25

for i in t:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/myname/python/index.py", line 2, in <module>
    t[1] = 25
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

A tuple uses less time and memory than a list.

If you don’t need to change the values in a list, and don’t need to insert or delete items, use a tuple instead of a list. A sequence that is immutable (e.g., a tuple) requires less space and time than a sequence that is mutable (e.g., a list).

How to create a tuple

Clothes makes the man, and commas make the tuple (unless the tuple is empty). A tuple is created by one or more comma operators that are not enclosed within [square brackets]. For example, the commas in h and i are all you need to make a tuple, but it’s clearer to write the parentheses too.

On the other hand, g is an int for the same reason that j is an int. The parentheses in the g line do nothing.

a = [10, 20, 30]   #a is a list of 3 ints
b = [10, 20]       #b is a list of 2 ints
c = [10]           #c is a list of 1 int
d = []             #d is a list of 0 ints

e = (10, 20, 30)   #e is a tuple of 3 ints
f = (10, 20)       #f is a tuple of 2 ints
g = (10)           #g is an int, not a tuple.  The parentheses do nothing.
h = (10,)          #h is a tuple of 1 int
i = 10,            #i is a tuple of 1 int
j = 10             #j is an int
k = ()             #k is a tuple of 0 ints

Multiple assignment vs. tuple assignment

(a, b, c) = (10, 20, 30) #a, b, c are 3 ints.  Parentheses optional on both sides.
t = (10, 20, 30)         #t is a tuple containing 3 ints.  Parentheses optional.

Things to try

  1. Change all the lists to tuples in Roman, Plot Generator, and Manhattan. Simply change the [square brackets] to (parentheses) in the statements that create the lists. If a resulting tuple contains exactly one item, you will also have to add a comma.
  2. When we do dictionaries and sets, you’ll see another reason to use tuples. The keys of a dictionary and set must be immutable, which means that key cannot be a list. But a key could be a tuple. See Sparse.
  3. See also the data type created by the function collections.namedtuple.