Hello, World!

To get the above screen shot, I selected
Hello > iPhone Retina (4-inch 64-bit)
in the upper left corner of Xcode. Then when the app was running, I pulled down the iOS Simulator’s File menu and selected Save Screen Shot. It created a png file of 640 × 1136 pixels named iOS Simulator Screen shot on my Mac desktop. In the web page you are reading now, I scaled the png file down to 320 × 568 and added a black outline so you could see the white status bar.

The window of this app is created by the application delegate, not by a MainWindow.xib file. The window contains a rectangular yellow view, into which we will draw some text at a given point with a given dictionary of attributes. (In iOS 6 and earlier, the method drawAtPoint:withFont: was used instead of drawAtPoint:withAttributes:.)

We will have to write two classes:

  1. The class of the application delegate object. This class will adopt the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
  2. The class of the view object. This class will be a subclass of UIView.

The class of the application object (class UIApplication) and the class of the window object (class UIWindow) have already been written for us.

Source code in Hello.zip
(an iOS 7.1 project created with Xcode 5.1.1 on OS X 10.9.3)

To open the project in Xcode, download the Hello.zip file, click on it, open the Hello folder, and double-click on the Hello.xcodeproj file. Then press the Run button in the upper left corner of Xcode. The Hello.zip file contains the following files (plus many others).

  1. main.m
  2. Class HelloAppDelegate
  3. Class View

Create the project using Xcode 5.1.1

  1. Launch Xcode.
    File → New → Project…
    In the upper left, under iOS, select Application.
    In the upper right, select Empty Application.
  2. Product Name: Hello
    Organization Name: the name that will appear in the copyright notices
    Company Identifier: edu.nyu.scps
    Bundle Identifier: edu.nyu.scps.Hello
    Class Prefix: Hello(will be prepended to the name of the application delegate class)
    Devices: iPhone(for the time being)

    Do not check Use Core Data.
  3. Save your project. For the time being, it’s simplest to save it on the Desktop.

    Uncheck Source Control.
  4. Edit HelloAppDelegate.h and HelloAppDelegate.m. Add the view instance variable to class HelloAppDelegate in HelloAppDelegate.h. Remember the
    @class View;
    in HelloAppDelegate.h and the
    #import "View.h"
    in HelloAppDelegate.m. The window property of class HelloAppDelegate is never used by any other class. But we’ll leave it in HelloAppDelegate.h anyway.

    The text in the iPhone status bar is black. (This text includes the current time.) application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: sets the window’s backgroundColor to white in order to make this text visible. The window defaults to black, which would make the text impossible to see.

  5. Create class View. If the list of files in the Project Navigator (the left pane of Xcode) is not visible,
    View → Navigators → Show Project Navigator
    Select the Hello folder in the Project Navigator.
    File → New → File…
    In the upper left, under iOS, select Cocoa Touch.
    In the upper right, select Objective-C class.
    Class: View(with an uppercase V)
    Subclass of UIView(uppercase UIV)
    Leave the checkboxes unchecked.
  6. Optional: for the sake of prettiness, go to the Project Navigator and move View.h and View.m up so that they are immediately below HelloAppDelegate.h and HelloAppDelegate.m.
  7. View.h does not need to be edited. Edit View.m to make the background color yellow. Uncomment and fill in the drawRect: method.
  8. Press the Xcode run button. When the iOS Simulator appears, select
    Window → Scale → 50%.

The main function

A function is a section of the program. The main.m file contains one function named main. The file was written for you automatically by Xcode.

The body of the function is the group of the statements enclosed in {curly braces}. The name of the function (main) is written in front of the parentheses in front of the opening curly brace. The data type of the return value (int) is written in front of the name of the function.

This function is not a method of any object. It is an orphan that belongs to no object. We indicate this by not writing a plus or minus in front of the data type of the return value.

argv, argc, and the value returned from main

argc and argv are relics from the days when a program was launched by typing a command line with arguments in respose to a prompt. We haven’t done this in years. We are going to launch our app by tapping on an icon.

The value returned from the main function is a relic from the days when a program terminated by returning to the command line and gave you another prompt. We are not going to do this either. We are going to terminate our app by pressing the Home button on the iPhone.

Don’t do anything with argc, argv, and the return value. Just leave them there and don’t touch them. If you did want to play with argc and argv in Xcode,
Product → Scheme → Edit Scheme… → Arguments → Arguments Passed on Launch.
and add the arguments individually. Then in the main function you could print the number of arguments and the arguments themselves:

	//includes name of executable file
	NSLog(@"Number of arguments == %d", argc);

	//argv[0] is the name of the executable file of the app
	for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
		NSLog(@"argv[%d] == %s", i, argv[i]);

What’s the difference between main and UIApplicationMain?

The main function performs the tasks that any Objective-C program would have to do. The UIApplicationMain function performs the tasks that only an app would have to do.

There has to be a main function. Every program in the languages C, C++, Objective-C, Go, etc., begins its execution at the start of the main function. The main function is the program’s interface with the operating system.

The main thread

An app can do two or more things at the same time. In other words, an app can have two or more threads and must have at least one. The main function is executed by the app’s main thread, which for the time being will be our app’s only thread. Every thread has to have an autorelease pool, so the main function creates and destroys this object with an @autoreleasepool block.

Two objects: the application and the application delegate

The main function also calls the function UIApplicationMain. This function has already been written for us. We never see its body. It creates two objects, the application and the application delegate, and sets them in motion. Without these two objects, our program would not be an app.

Since we passed nil as the third argument of UIApplicationMain, the application object will be of Apple’s class UIApplication. Since we passed the string @"HelloAppDelegate" as the fourth argument of UIApplicationMain, the application delegate object will be of our class HelloAppDelegate.

Importing the header file

allows main.m to mention words such as UIApplicationMain that are specific to the iPhone world. Similarly, importing the header file View.h allows HelloAppDelegate.m to mention the word View.

What’s the difference between the application and the application delegate?

The application object performs the tasks that any app would have to do. The application delegate object performs the tasks that only your app has to do.

The application object receives touches from the user’s fingers and shakes from the user’s hands, and sends them to the window object (see below). In return, it receives from the window object any messages that the window object and its enclosed views decide not to handle. We can therefore think of the application object as the last responder to these messages. It also receives messages from control objects (see below) and passes them along to the target objects (the interested parties).

The application object has already been written for us (i.e., class UIApplication has already been written). You will have to write the application delegate (i.e., you have to write a subclass of NSObject <UIApplication Delegate>). The object of this subclass will play music, draw pictures, read and write files, talk to the GPS, etc. If the user presses the iPhone’s Home button, someone will send the applicationWillResignActive: and applicationDidEnterBackground: messages to the application delegate.

The application delegate begins executing with a call to its applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method (or, in older versions, its applicationDidFinishLaunching: method). To see what the application delegate does, start reading at this method.

Class HelloAppDelegate

Since we named the project Hello (with a class prefix of Hello), it contains a class named HelloAppDelegate written in a pair of files named HelloAppDelegate.h and HelloAppDelegate.m. Since we made this an empty application, class HelloAppDelegate already contains a property named window that is a (pointer to a) UIWindow object. And although we don’t see them here in the file HelloAppDelegate.h, a HelloAppDelegate object also inherits whatever instance variables and properties are present in an NSObject object.

In addition to inheriting the methods of an NSObject, the HelloAppDelegate has also inherited the obligations of an UIApplicationDelegate. One of these obligations is to have an applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. We have to write this method because someone will send the applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: message to the application delegate object when the application object has finished being launched. Similarly, someone will send the applicationWillResignActive: and applicationDidEnterBackground: messages to the HelloAppDelegate if the user presses the iPhone’s Home button.

Our applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method sends the makeKeyAndVisible message to the application delegate’s window. The key window is the one that receives the user’s touches. We also want the window to be visible (i.e., not hidden by other windows). The @property creates the instance variable _window, which the application delegate refers to as self.window.

The screen object is the only screen object there is—it’s a “singleton” object. We have to get in touch with this object because it is the only object that knows the dimensions of the iPhone screen. Do not hard code (write) the dimensions into your app. Get the dimensions from the main screen object because they will be different on each device: 320 × 480 pixels on the original iPhone, 320 × 480 pairs of pixels (i.e., 640 × 960 pixels) on an iPhone 4, 320 × 568 pairs of pixels (i.e., 640 × 1136) on iPhone 5, 1024 × 768 pixels on an iPad, etc.

For the iPhone 5 numbers, the Pythagorean Theorem yields a diagonal of 6402 + 11362  =  16√402 + 712  ≅  1303.878 pixels. The iPhone 5 screen has 326 pixels per inch. (The original iPhone had 163 per inch.) Therefore the iPhone 5 diagonal is
 √6402 + 11362   ≅  3.99962
inches. The iPhone Technical Specifications round the diagonal to 4 inches.

The main screen also knows how much of this screen space is available for the application. The main screen gives us two rectangles, named bounds and applicationFrame in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of class HelloAppDelegate. bounds is the size of the screen. applicationFrame is the size of the part of the screen that is available for the app. applicationFrame will be the same size as bounds if the status bar is hidden. (The status bar is the thing that displays the current time at the top of the screen.) applicationFrame will be smaller than bounds if the status bar is visible. For the time being, our status bar is visible. See the statusBarHidden property of class UIApplication, and the UIStatusBarHidden key that you could put in the Hello-Info.plist file.

An app has only one screen, but it could have more than one window. At any given time, however, only one window will be visible on the screen. There’s only so much you can do with 640 × 1136 pixels.

A window can contain many views (the subviews). Our window will contain one view of class View, which is a subclass of UIView. Every UIView has a backgroundColor property.

This app puts a specialized view in a generic window (a hand-crafted View in an off-the-shelf UIWindow). Another approach would have been to omit the specialized view class and to write the drawRect: in a specialized window class. But a window is already very specialized, with responsibility for passing messages from the application delegate to the views inside the window. We will let the window concentrate on the things that no other class of view can do.

Class UIWindow is derived from class UIView, which is derived from class UIResponder, which is derived from class NSObject. Class UIWindow inherits its initWithFrame: and addSubview: methods from class UIView. That’s why the documentation links for these methods go to the page for class UIView. Similarly, classes UIWindow and UIView inherit their alloc method from class NSObject.

What’s the difference between the screen, the window, and a view?

A view is a rectangular area of pixels that can be made visible and usually is. A big view can contain smaller views inside it. The smaller views are the subviews of the big view, and the big view is the superview of the smaller views. Each subview can have subviews of its own. The views are therefore organized into a family tree.

There are many specialized types of view (i.e., subclasses of class UIView). Some views are controls: buttons, switches, sliders, etc. Another type of view is a window, the kind of view that must be at the root (top) of the tree. An app may have many views, but usually only one of them will be a window. Even if the app has more than one window, only one window (and its subviews) will be visible at a time. Every view must be contained in a larger superview, except for the window. The window does not need to be contained in a superview. Another difference between a window and other views is that a window can receive a touch from the application object and pass them onto the first responder for the touch (the subview that was hit). See Apple’s documentation about windows and views.

The screen object is totally different from the views and window. The screen is not a rectangular area of pixels. It has no foreground or background colors, and is never displayed to the user. The screen is merely a source of numbers. It is the only object that knows the total width and height in pixels available to the app (320 × 568 pairs of pixels on an iPhone 5 if the status bar is invisible, 320 × 548 pairs if the status bar is visible, etc). An app has only one screen object.

Class View

The #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> in HelloAppDelegate.h tells the computer that UIWindow is the name of a class. The @class View tells the computer that View is the name of a class.

I chose yellowColor because yellow is unlikely to be any default. If we see yellow, it’s because we asked for it.

Never attempt to send the message drawRect: directly to a view; i.e., never attempt to call the method drawRect: directly. (To get it to work, we would first have to set up a graphics context and other horrible stuff.) If the view needs to be redrawn, send it the message setNeedsDisplay.

The point is a structure; the variable point contains a CGPoint structure. The string and font are objects; the variables string and font contain the addresses of the objects, not the objects themselves. To display multiple lines of text, this example will use a specialized view called a UITextView.

Already running

When you pres the Xcode run button, it may say “Stop "Hello"? "Hello" is already running. Click Stop to terminate and launch a new instance.”. Go ahead and press the Stop button.

If Xcode says “The Simulator can’t be launched because it is already in use”, press OK and quit the iPhone Simulator. The press the Xcode run button again.

Base SDK Missing

I created Hello.zip with a version of the SDK that might have been different from your version. If Xcode says “Base SDK Missing” or otherwise rejects my .zip files, do this:

  1. Select the Hello project at the top of the Xcode Project Navigator.
  2. Select General at the top of the center panel. Under Deployment Info, change the Deployment Target number.
  3. Try to run again.

Create the Hello.zip file

I created the Hello.zip by running the following Bash shellscript on my Mac in the directory that held the Hello folder (my Desktop).

#The name of this shellscript is makezip.

zip -r $1.zip $1 -x $1/build/*
cd ~/Desktop
./makezip Hello
ls -l Hello.zip

Things to try

  1. In the drawRect: method of class View, try a different font size: 6, 72, or even an expression such as 2.5 * 72. One inch equals 72 points.

  2. Combine the five statements in drawRect: into a single statement.

    	[@"Hello, World!"
    		drawAtPoint: CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0)
    		withAttributes: [NSDictionary
    			dictionaryWithObject: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 32.0]
    			forKey: NSFontAttributeName
    Is the statement too long to read comfortably? Change it back.

  3. The drawRect: method of class View put the coördinates (0, 0) into point by saying
    	CGPoint point = CGPointMake(0, 0);
    Can you do the same thing with the constant structure CGPointZero?
    	CGPoint point = CGPointZero;
    See also CGSizeZero and CGRectZero.

  4. We put the upper left corner of the “H” in “Hello” in the upper left corner of the view at (0, 0). Put the upper left corner of the “H” at (50, 200): 50 pixels right and 200 pixels down. x increases as we go across the screen from left to right. y increases as we go down the screen from top to bottom.

  5. The method sizeWithAttributes: (sizeWithFont: in iOS 6) of class NSString returns a structure giving the width and height in pixels of the string of characters in the given font. The method drawRect: can use these dimensions to center the string in the View. The structure self.bounds.origin is a CGPoint containing the coördinates of the upper left corner of the view. It defaults to (0, 0), and we have done nothing to change this default. But just to demonstrate what we will have to do in the future when self.bounds.origin is not (0, 0), we add the two fields of self.bounds.origin to the sums that we store in x and y.
    	CGSize size = [string sizeWithAttributes: attributes];
    	CGFloat x = self.bounds.origin.x + (self.bounds.size.width - size.width) / 2;
    	CGFloat y = self.bounds.origin.y + (self.bounds.size.height - size.height) / 2;
    	CGPoint point = CGPointMake(x, y);
    	[string drawAtPoint: point withFont: font];
    We can consolidate the repetition by introducing a new variable b:
    	CGSize size = [string sizeWithAttributes: attributes];
    	CGRect b = self.bounds;
    	CGFloat x = b.origin.x + (b.size.width - size.width) / 2;
    	CGFloat y = b.origin.y + (b.size.height - size.height) / 2;
    	CGPoint point = CGPointMake(x, y);
    	[string drawAtPoint: point withFont: font];

  6. The origin (0, 0) is currently in the upper left corner of the view. Let’s assume we’re on an iPhone 5 in portrait orientation, with the status bar visible.

    To be formal, we say that the coördinates of the center are (self.bounds.size.width / 2, self.bounds.size.height / 2).

    If we’re writing text in the upper left corner of the view, it’s convenient that the coördinates of the corner are (0, 0). If we’re writing text in the center, it would be simpler if the coördinates of the center were (0, 0).

    The coördinates of the upper left corner of the view would become (-self.bounds.size.width / 2, -self.bounds.size.height / 2). These will be the first pair of arguments we’re about to pass to CGRectMake.

    Insert the following statements into the initWithFrame: method of class View immediately after setting the background color.

    		//Keep the size of the view the same,
    		//but move the origin to the center of the view.
    		CGFloat w = self.bounds.size.width;
    		CGFloat h = self.bounds.size.height;
    		self.bounds = CGRectMake(-w / 2, -h / 2, w, h);
    Now that the origin is in the center of the view, the code that creates point in drawRect: can be simplified as follows. The text will remain centered.
    	CGSize size = [s sizeWithAttributes: attributes];
    	CGPoint point = CGPointMake(-size.width / 2, -size.height / 2);

  7. Change @"Hello, World!" to a string in a foreign character set.
    NSString *string = @"هزا مدهش";	//That's amazing!
    Click on a point within the double quotes, and then
    Edit → Special Characters…
    View → All Characters
    Middle Eastern Scripts → Arabic

  8. Instead of the inane text “Hello, World!”, have drawRect: put something more useful into s. How about one of the properties of the device?
    	UIDevice *device = [UIDevice currentDevice];	//There is only one object of this class.
    	NSString *string = device.model;		//Is it an iPhone, iPod, iPad--or a simulator?
    	NSString *string = [device.identifierForVendor UUIDString];	//serial number
    	NSString *string = device.systemName;		//name of operating system, e.g. "iPhone OS"
    	NSString *string = device.systemVersion;	//version number of operating system, e.g., "7.0.3"

  9. Have drawRect: print the current date. See the no-argument init method of class Date in the Class example.

  10. Have drawRect: put the current price of IBM stock into the string. Change
    	NSString *string = @"Hello, World!";
    to the following. The format sl1t1 is the concatenation of s (lowercase S), l1 (lowercase L one), t1 (lowercase T one). See the list of Yahoo formats.
    	NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:
    	NSError *error;
    	NSString *string = [[NSString alloc]
    		initWithContentsOfURL: url
    		encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding
    		error: &error
    	if (string == nil) {
    		string = [error localizedDescription];

  11. Instead of the class method systemFontOfSize: of class UIFont, try the others: boldSystemFontOfSize:, italicSystemFontOfSize:.

  12. Try a different backgroundColor. Instead of calling a method such as yellowColor or whiteColor, mix your own color by calling the class method colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha: of class UIColor. The alpha level is the amount of opacity: 0.0 for transparent, 1.0 for opaque.
    	self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 1.0 green: 0.4 blue: 0.2 alpha: 1.0];

  13. You can specify a color as the six hexadecimal digits familiar from HTML, e.g.,
    FF0000 for red,
    FF00FF for purple,
    808080 for gray.
    Insert the following macro definitions into View.m immediately after the #import.
    Bits 16 to 23 inclusive of the color represent the amount of red in the color.
    Change these bits to a fraction in the range 0 to 1 inclusive.
    Similarly, bits 8 to 15 inclusive represent the amount of green;
    bits 0 to 7 inclusive represent the amount of blue.
    #define RED(color)	(((color) >> 2*8 & 0xFF) / 255.0)
    #define GREEN(color)	(((color) >> 1*8 & 0xFF) / 255.0)
    #define BLUE(color)	(((color) >> 0*8 & 0xFF) / 255.0)
    You can then specify the background color as follows.
    	unsigned color = 0xFF00FF;	//purple
    	self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: RED(color) green: GREEN(color) blue: BLUE(color) alpha: 1.0];

  14. As we have already seen, the foreground color defaults to black. Specify a different foreground color in the dictionary in drawRect:.
    	UIColor *color = [UIColor redColor];
    	NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    		color, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
    		font,  NSFontAttributeName,
    In iOS 6 and older, insert the following statements at the start of drawRect: immediately before the statement that creates point. The empty parentheses call the function UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext without passing any arguments to it.

    	CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    	CGContextSetRGBFillColor(c, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //red, green, blue, alpha
    You can combine the above statements to
    	CGContextSetRGBFillColor(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), 0, .5, 1.0, 1.0);
    Can you print two messages on two different lines in two different colors?

  15. What are the dimensions in pixels of the big yellow View? In the drawRect: method of class View, print the four numbers in the self.bounds property that the View inherits from its base class UIView. A CGFloat is printed with the %g format.
    	NSLog(@"drawRect: self.bounds.origin == (%g, %g), self.bounds.size == %g × %g",

    To see the output in Xcode,
    View → Debug Area → Activate Console
    and press Run. You may have to press the three little buttons in the upper right corner of the Debug Area. If your app is already on the iPhone, in the
    Window →
    Organizer → Devices → Console
    window of Xcode, look for the <Warning> lines.

    Better yet, print the numbers on the iPhone screen. Change the NSString in drawRect: to the following. It uses the stringWithFormat: method we saw in the description method of class Date.

    	NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:
    		@"drawRect: self.bounds.origin == (%g, %g), self.bounds.size == %g × %g",
  16. Even better, write a description method for class View, just like the description method of class Date. It should return a string containing the four numbers. Then drawRect: can say

    	NSString *string = [self description];

  17. Other CGRects you can print on the screen in drawRect: are the self.frame method of the View (which we will talk about in Japan), and the argument of drawRect:. If you print information in any other method, you will have to use the humble NSLog. Examples are the two CGRects we created in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of the application delegate.

  18. Hide the status bar at the start of the app. Insert the following statement immediately before the one that creates screen in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of class HelloAppDelegate. The property statusBarHidden is a BOOL. Its value is either YES or NO.
    	application.statusBarHidden = YES;
    Press Run again. This time, the applicationFrame should be just as tall as bounds.
    application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: applicationFrame.origin == (0, 0), applicationFrame.size == 320 × 480
  19. Instead of hiding the status bar while the app is running, launch the app with the status bar already hidden. Set the UIStatusBarHidden property to YES in the Hello-Info.plist file. First, get rid of the statusBarHidden statement that you just added. Then
    1. Open the Supporting Files folder in the Project Navigator under Hello, and select Hello-Info.plist.
    2. In the Key column on the left, control-click on the last line and select Add Row.
    3. Scroll down and select “Status bar is initially hidden”.
    4. In the Value column on the right, say YES.
    5. To remove the highlighting from the line you just added, click on the words Information Property List.

  20. Insert
    at the start of the applicationWillResignActive: method of the application delegate. Insert a similar message into each method below it in the HelloAppDelegate.m file. Then launch the app, press the iPhone Home button, and launch the app again. Which methods are called when, and in what order?

  21. Want to update the price of IBM whenever the app reappears? Put the following statement into the applicationWillEnterForeground: method of the application delegate. Then press the Home button and tap the app’s icon.
    	//Trigger another call to drawRect:.
    	[view setNeedsDisplay];

  22. It’s wasteful to re-create string, point, and attributes every time we call drawRect:. Create them once and for all by letting them be instance variables of View.
    1. Add three new instance variables to class View.
      	//in the file View.h, inside the curly braces
      	NSString *string;
      	CGPoint point;
      	NSDictionary *attributes;
    2. initWithFrame: now has to assign values to four instance variables of self. The first one needs the word self because it was inherited from the superclass of View.
      		self.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
      		string = @"Hello, World!";	//not a property, doesn't need self
      		point = CGPointZero;
      		attributes = [NSDictionary
      			dictionaryWithObject: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 32.0]
      			forKey: NSFontAttributeName

  23. [Advanced.] Have application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: pass four arguments (plus the frame) to a new method of class View named initWithFrame:string:backgroundColor:point:font:.
    1. Declare this method in View.h just before the @end.
      - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame
      	string: (NSString *) s
      	backgroundColor: (UIColor *) c
      	point: (CGPoint) p
      	font: (UIFont *) f;
    2. Define this method in View.m.
      - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame
      	string: (NSString *) s
      	backgroundColor: (UIColor *) c
      	point: (CGPoint) p
      	font: (UIFont *) f {
      	self = [super initWithFrame: frame];
      	if (self != nil) {
      		self.backgroundColor = c;
      		string = s;
      		point = p;
      		attributes = [NSDictionary
      			dictionaryWithObject: f
      			forKey: NSFontAttributeName
      	return self;
    3. Call this method in HelloAppDelegate.m.
      	view = [[View alloc]
      		initWithFrame: applicationFrame
      		string: @"HelloWorld!"
      		backgroundColor: [UIColor whiteColor]
      		point: CGPointZero
      		font:  [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 32.0]
    4. Now that the initWithFrame: method of class View is no longer called, get rid of it.